All tagged Paul Steven Smith

It’s Too Early To Quit…

“When you work on any goal, your motivation can grow cold and slowly vanish. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated and sometimes you won’t. But remember this, it’s not your motivation that will produce results — it’s gonna be your action. You and you only are going to have to make a decision to persist, to keep making progress even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you don’t feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results.” – It’s Just a Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Our Words Have Power

"You and I have the power of words. Our words are a gift that we have been given, that even though sometimes the words we speak are small they still can have a huge impact on our lives. Sometimes we say things out of habit, it is like our mouths have a mind of its own. Those bad habits can and must be broken. It will take some work, and it might require some practice and a little persistence, but you can get there." – It’s Just a Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

You Must Keep Going…

"Look, life is like a road trip. You plan your destination, you load up the car and set out on the drive. An hour into your planned route, you run into traffic, and you take a detour. As you travel along your new route, the road gets rough and bumpy. You find yourself driving along, unpaved roads, with potholes. It may be an uncomfortable ride, but this is the only way you can get to the destination.". – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) - If you want more, please visit

Don’t Cheat Yourself…

The journey to authenticity and having the courage of your convictions can take a lifetime for some of us. I wish I had the courage years ago to do me; it has taken me a year to accept me for me. To find my voice, and I must say it is spooky. It is never too late to follow your dreams, and to live your purpose. If you are living for everyone else, you are throwing you’re a part of you, and I believe that is one of the harshest things that you can ever do to yourself. Living someone else’s life will always prevent you from fully living your life. Celebrate the things that make you unique."– It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)


"You have not seen your best days; you have not reached your full potential, everything that you have gone through will one day make sense when it all comes together. See, you have to stop worrying about who hurt you, what you lost, how unfair it was, and who walked out of your life. You must understand something right now; it’s going to all come together."– It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

You Are Going To Finish What You Started…

"You have choices, you don’t have to accept, those thoughts, you can fight through them. Just because someone told you that it’s not gone to work, means absolutely nothing. You have not come this far by accident; you were born with a purpose. It may look like your dreams are DOA (dead on arrival), but the most powerful force in the universe is at work in your life. Your dreams are about to be resurrected from the dead. You must keep believing, and never give up." – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Your Season Is Changing…

"You will come into a season where things are going to fall into place. There is a new day coming. New doors are going to open, your gifts and talents are going to flow like a river after a flood." – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Your Mouth Is Feeding Your Destiny...

"You see, what you feed your inner person is going to grow, so if you feed it negative information, that energy will spread like wildfire. We must stop feeding the negative, and start feeding it the positive. Please understand this, what you don’t feed will eventually die, and if we are honest, there are some things that we are experiencing in our lives that we need to starve to death. We must not go through life watering the weeds instead of the flowers. So, we must stop spending our energy on things, which are not helping us to grow stronger." – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)


"We must understand that we do not control life, life controls us. Life will take us on whatever path we're meant to be on at that time. We must surrender to whatever opportunities life brings our way, even when it feels like we are going the wrong direction. Sometimes we are so, convinced that our way or path is the right way. But life has a way of correcting our life course, and ultimately giving us what we were meant to have. Therefore, it is important to us, to surrender control of our lives, let go and get out of our own way." – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

You, Gotta, Keep Pushing…

"What I have learned in this painful time of my life, is to trust God even in the tough times. I must trust God, in the times I am hurting, in the times I am lonely, in the times I am not feeling well. You see, God never said that we would understand everything that happens along the way. He didn’t promise that we would never have any heartache, pain, disappointment, loss, setbacks, but He did promise, that eventually it would all work out for our good." - It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

The Wind of Change Is Blowing in the Atmosphere…

Embracing change is crucial, for harnessing the power of change in our daily lives. Looking back over my life, I can directly correlate the level of personal reward with the most chaotic time in my life. But, I can honestly say doing those times, I experienced my greatest change. I also, realized that all the good things in my life are the results of changes that occurred in the past.

Don’t Retreat To The Usual…

"The only thing holding you back is the fear of the unknown. You see, within our comfort zone, there is a sense of familiarity, security, and certainty. But, once we step outside of our comfort zone, we’re taking a risk, and opening ourselves up to the fear of the unknown."– It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

When failures and disappointment come into our life, you must not throw in the towel; you must raise up and remember that you cannot know light, without knowing darkness, and you cannot know success, without first knowing failure. Look at failure this way; it is a critical part of growth and an awesome opportunity to learn from your past mistakes.

So, when life throws you the unexpected, don’t run, don’t cry, don’t grumble, but smile, because there is power in the smile.  When I look in the mirror, and I see a smile on my face, it gives me an inner peace in the depths of my soul, and the strength to say, I can and will overcome this challenge.