Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Don’t Cheat Yourself…

Don’t Cheat Yourself…

There comes a time when you simply have to stop trying to live your life for everyone else. It is time you live your own life and stop trying to please everyone else. Live your life for you; it is your dream; it is your vision, now live it. Don’t forfeit your soul by succumbing to the pressure to conform. Be you, live you, and enjoy the ride.

Look, your life was never meant to be lived like everyone else. Celebrate your uniqueness. You are unique; there is only one of you. No one looks exactly like you. No one sounds exactly like you. You are special; you have a one of a kind DNA that will never match anyone else’s. You are unique, embrace it.

The journey to authenticity and having the courage of your convictions can take a lifetime for some of us. I wish I had the courage years ago to do me; it has taken me a year to accept me for me. To find my voice, and I must say it is spooky. It is never too late to follow your dreams, and to live your purpose. If you are living for everyone else, you are throwing you’re a part of you, and I believe that is one of the harshest things that you can ever do to yourself. Living someone else’s life will always prevent you from fully living your life. Celebrate the things that make you unique.

One truth I have learned is that first you must accept and love yourself. Decide today to live your life. You do not need to live life like everyone else. Your life is far too valuable to be wasted on the life that everyone else is choosing for you. Your life is the greatest asset you own. It holds potential for great things. Don’t let it slip away by choosing to live someone else’s blueprint for your life. In the end, it’s not a fair trade. – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Tweetable Moment: “You are unique; there is only one of you. No one looks exactly like you. No one sounds exactly like you. You are special; you have a one of a kind DNA that will never match anyone else’s. You are unique, embrace it.” – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Are You Ready to Catch the Wind?

Are You Ready to Catch the Wind?