Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

You Must Keep Going…

You Must Keep Going…

Your dream or goal will never come true easily, effortlessly, without delays, problems or hurdles. You will have to overcome many obstacles and go through some pain before achieving your goals and dreams. And you need to understand that the greater your dreams are, the tougher your challenge will be.

So, the question is, what are you going to do when the pressure is on? Are you going to give up or are you going to push forward despite the struggle?  In the end, it will be you attitude that will make the difference. You must have a stubborn unwillingness, to give up.

Look, life is like a road trip. You plan your destination, you load up the car and set out on the drive. An hour into your planned route, you run into traffic, and you take a detour. As you travel along your new route, the road gets rough and bumpy. You find yourself driving along, unpaved roads, with potholes. It may be an uncomfortable ride, but this is the only way you can get to the destination.

You could change your plans, turn the car around, and go back home. Or you can stay on the path, which has been planned for you. You must ask yourself, how bad do you want it? If the car broke down, are you willing to hike the rest of the way? The journey that you are on is your life. And if you want the results that you want, you must be determined, persistent, courage’s and powered by your purpose. But most of all, you must be willing not to give up. If obstacles or hurdles stand in your way, you must be willing to jump over them.

You see, to give up is to die. You are a survivor, and you must keep on going. So, when distraction or obstacle crops up, remember this, every difficulty becomes a challenge that you must conquer. See, beyond the obstacles and see the solutions. Discover your purpose, tap into it and achieve it. No matter what you do, remain focused, be encouraged, be inspired, push forward, and keep on going. – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) - If you want more, please visit

Tweetable Moment: “Every difficulty becomes a challenge that you must conquer. See, beyond the obstacles and see the solutions. Discover your purpose, tap into it and achieve it..” – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) - If you want more, please visit
Preparation Is Necessary…

Preparation Is Necessary…

Love They Self First...

Love They Self First...