Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Your Mouth Is Feeding Your Destiny...

Your Mouth Is Feeding Your Destiny...

Whether we realize it or not, your mouth is feeding your destiny. We are constantly feeding our inner person by the words we speak. We feed the inner person by the conversation’s that we have with others, the thoughts that we have about others, the gossip that we speak about other. We must understand, that all of these things are all feeding our inner person. But the problem is, we are feeding our inner soul, the wrong things.

You see, what you feed your inner person is going to grow, so if you feed it negative information, that energy will spread like wildfire. We must stop feeding the negative, and start feeding it the positive. Please understand this, what you don’t feed will eventually die, and if we are honest, there are some things that we are experiencing in our lives that we need to starve to death. We must not go through life watering the weeds instead of the flowers. So, we must stop spending our energy on things, which are not helping us to grow stronger.

We must not continue to give these negative things space in our head. You see, if you keep using all your energy to feed your past, you’re not going to have the energy you need to feed your future. You cannot walk into your new season if you keep feeding your past. You must close the door on your past. You must starve that old person and feed the new. You must decide to put that same energy into your destiny, as you did with your past.

Look, your dreams are still alive; now you must do your part; you must keep feeding your inner spirit, with faith, and hope. You must continue to dream. You must continue to see your potential. You must continue to call out your seeds of greatness. You must continue to step up to your new level and see those dreams come to pass. Whatever you do, don’t use your energy to feed your history; use it to feed your destiny. – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)


Tweetable Moment: “Whatever you starve will die, but whatever you feed is going to grow.” – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Your Season Is Changing…

Your Season Is Changing…