Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

You, Gotta, Keep Pushing…

You, Gotta, Keep Pushing…

We have all experienced, setbacks and losses in our lives and it is easy to get discouraged, bitter, and eventually we find ourselves asking the question, why me Lord. All of us have things we don’t understand, and sometimes we look at the fragments of our lives that don’t make sense. We are going through a divorce, we have lost a loved one suddenly, we are going through cancer treatment, we have lost our business, and we think to ourselves this cannot be a part of the blueprint God has planned for my life.

What I have learned in this painful time of my life, is to trust God even in the tough times. I must trust God, in the times I am hurting, in the times I am lonely, in the times I am not feeling well. You see, God never said that we would understand everything that happens along the way. He didn’t promise that we would never have any heartache, pain, disappointment, loss, setbacks, but He did promise, that eventually it would all work out for our good.

Pain is not always a negative thing. Sometimes, pain is showing us that we are about to give birth to something new. So, don’t get discouraged when trouble comes your way, instead get ready, you are in labor, and you are about to give birth. That discomfort you’re feeling, it’s just labor pains, and if you can endure them, there’s a blessing in that pain, there’s a gift in that pain, there’s a new level of that pain.  Don’t just go through it, grow through it, but come out stronger,

Remember this, every struggle you go through is making you stronger, every difficulty that knocks on your door is growing you up, everything that you have been, though, is developing something in you, that only can be developed in the tough times.  So. don’t complain about the pain and don’t waste your pain. For your pain has a purpose. – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Tweetable Moment: “If everything was always easy and trouble never came our way, we would never be prepared to walk in the path of our destiny.” – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)





The Wind of Change Is Blowing in the Atmosphere…

The Wind of Change Is Blowing in the Atmosphere…