Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

It’s Too Early To Quit…

It’s Too Early To Quit…

In today’s world, people give up too soon. They expect the way to be easy and when they find out that the opposite is true, they are surprised and begin to lose heart. We have birthed a microwave generation, pop, it in and press two minutes and you are now and overnight success. If you are going to be successful, you are going to have to work at it.

A marriage cannot be successful if you give up and run home to mommy after your first fight. A lifelong friendship cannot be successful if you give up after your first, disagreement. The same is true for life, we start stuff and never finish because the way has become difficult. We start out with the right expectation, and somewhere in the process, we underestimate the amount of time required for the project. Now, because we have the wrong expectations we get sidetracked, and we get disappointed that we are not an overnight success. There is no such thing as cheap success. We should always expect a hard way; there is no such thing as an easy life’s journey. And, if you are not mentally prepared when you encounter the reality, you will falter and quit.

See, persistence is the ability to maintain action regardless of your feelings. You press on even when you feel like quitting. You find the mental fortitude to achieve your goal even in the face of adversity. I heard someone say one day, the size of your commitment should be proportional to the size of your desire.

You surprised by what you can achieve if you don’t lose heart, and stop believing in yourself.  You see, persistence has a lot to do with your success in life.  We must understand that talent and genius cannot take the place of persistence. If you want success, you are going to have to be willing to give up everything to make it come true.

But you first, you must be super-clear about what you want in life, what your intended goal is. The more consistent you are with your actions, the more persistent you will be in your actions. And your consistency in your action will produce consistency in your results.

When you work on any goal, your motivation can grow cold and slowly vanish. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated and sometimes you won’t. But remember this, it’s not your motivation that will produce results — it’s gonna be your action. You and you only are going to have to make a decision to persist, to keep making progress even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you don’t feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results.

Look, it is okay to be discouraged, but it is never okay, to quit. In spite of the challenges and hard work that you face, as you forge ahead. You must plant your feet and keep inching along like that four-inch worm. Yes, it will take you time, It will not be overnight. There will be setbacks, but you must take your setbacks and turn them into stepping stones.

Look, it is too early in the process to start complaining, or even worse, just to give up. You see, these choices do nothing to get you closer to your goal.  Giving up is not an option. You may get knocked down, take a minute and catch your breath and get back up and start swinging again. You may get knocked down again, but get up off the floor saying, let’s try this again.

Remember this; persistent people are driven by the goal or vision that they have in mind their minds. It motivates and drives them day by day and night by night. Reaching their goal is their life, they devote a greater percentage their energies and time toward reaching it. They stay persistent and understand that greatness is not measured by what is accomplished. It is measured by how many times you pick yourself up and go at it again. You must keep on trying even in the face of no hope. – It’s Just a Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Tweetable Moment:Giving up is not an option. You may get knocked down, take a minute and catch your breath and get back up and start swinging again. You may get knocked down again, but get up off the floor saying, let’s try this again.” – It’s Just a Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Your Story Is Being Written Day By Day…

Your Story Is Being Written Day By Day…

Our Words Have Power

Our Words Have Power