Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

There Is A Seminar In Your Mistakes…

“We have all made mistakes, in our lives and we need an opportunity for a fresh start. Most of us sit around and dwell on the mistakes that we’ve made in the past and allow them to hinder our forward progress. We are often too harsh on ourselves, and we do not allow any room for mistakes. We must, learn from your mistakes, own up to our mistake, and acknowledge that we have made them. When life comes to a halt, start again and this time, use your past mistakes as a life seminar, learn from them and do better. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you’re destined to repeat them. That’s a recipe for quickly going nowhere in life.

When we make mistakes, we tend to blame others and play the victim. We begin to play the if only game, and try to justify our failures and struggles by saying that we could have turn things around if only a, b, or, c would have happened. You see, you must be able to take an honest look at you. The only variable you have total control over is you. Stop being the victim and become an active agent in your life.

So, remember this, everyone deserves a fresh. So, when you face life challenges, and you make mistakes in life, you can always start again. We must learn to see our mistakes not as a personal failure, but as a life opportunity, that will somehow, help us grow, and grow up.” It’s Just A Mistake…Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

When Life Changes Your Plans…

Say goodbye to your regrets...