Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

When All Else Fails…

If we are honest with ourselves, we all carry around a lot of baggage.  I find it difficult to move past our failures in life when we are still traveling with oversized luggage. Just because you had challenges in the past, does not mean you will have those same challenges in the future. You must be willing to release the baggage of the past, change your mindset and try again. Understanding that trying again does not set you up for more disappointment, it actually set you up to more opportunities.

 The next step after a life challenge is to start fresh with even more determination than before. Yes, it was a hard lesson, yes you are going to experience some failures in life, but you can’t quit now. When failures and disappointment come into our life, you must not throw in the towel; you must raise up and remember that you cannot know light, without knowing darkness, and you cannot know success, without first knowing failure. Look at failure this way; it is a critical part of growth and an awesome opportunity to learn from your past mistakes.

 It is time for you to resurrect the positive, and keep trying and trying and trying until you are successful in a variety of areas. The old adage still runs rings true, in that 'quitters never win, and winners never quit.' Nothing worth having, doing, or accomplishing comes with foolproof steps that guarantee success. When all else’s fails, adjust, and try again.  Paul Steven Smith AKA Uncle Paul


Everything in life is temporary…