Simplify your life and cut back on being busy. When you simplify your life, this allows you to focus on what really matters. You see, when you are being pulled in too many directions, it is hard to be productive.
Simplify your life and cut back on being busy. When you simplify your life, this allows you to focus on what really matters. You see, when you are being pulled in too many directions, it is hard to be productive.
“The cracks in my life aren’t hidden anymore. Instead, I choose to highlight them, because they add value to the man that I am. For the cracks are my scars, and they should be celebrated, because, my scars, my tears and my pain, they all tell my story and I would not be who I am today without those experiences. “ Uncle Paul
Don't let fear stop you from moving on. Fear is a sign that change is on the way. For you to attract something new, you are going to have to be willing to embrace something new. So, you need to understand that, when you begin to move beyond what you are normally comfortable with, the process of moving forward is going to bring some anxiety and that is okay, and expected.
We must also understand that success does not come cheap nor easy, there is a price that we all must pay. Over the years, I have come to understand that, without life’s battles, success would not nearly be as sweet.
You see, you can’t reach the next level in your life without chaos because chaos brings about change. I find myself most creative, right in the middle of or right after life’s chaos. To be honest, chaos sometimes feels a little, like a like a healing crisis. Sometimes things get worse before they get better, but somehow you know, it’s going to get better.
Whether you know it or not, you have the will to keep moving forward even when everything is pushing you back. You have the will to pick yourself up when you fall. You have the will, to move forward despite the challenges that you are enduring. You have the will to believe in yourself when others don’t. You have the will to keep fighting when life knocks you down.
Pain is not always a bad thing. It may not always be an easy pill to swallow, but then again it is easier to go through pain when you know that there is something good that will come out of it. Look, don’t be afraid to cry out during your pain.
Though these interruptions are unexpected and catch us off guard, they are not random, meaningless events. These interruptions are placed in our path for a reason. Everything that transpires in our lives has a purpose.
When life comes to a halt, start again and this time, use your past mistakes as a life seminar, learn from them and do better. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you’re destined to repeat them. That’s a recipe for quickly going nowhere in life.
You cannot change what you did or did not do in the past, so let it go. Your regrets are past events and experiences, if you spend all your time thinking about the past, you will miss the present and the future.
We must get up, and pick up the broken pieces of our lives, and find our rhythm again and march onward once more. Look, let’s be honest, we all have had rough patch’s in our lives. Sometimes, things happen in our lives that are out of our control, change happens.
Life is filled with up’s, down’s, good days, bad days and every way in between. What I have learned in this short time of living is, anything can happen, and everything is possible. Someone once said, a life path worth living is never straight and is always full of obstacles that you can and will overcome.
"Your mouth is your investment, the question is, what will your profits be on your investment? You see, you are reasonable for the words that you put out in the universe. Your words are like a boomerang, what you put out, will come back to you. You have no power over any other territory but of your tongue."
Life lessons are not always pretty, they are not always timely, they are not always convenient, but they are always necessary. Without life's lesson, we would never grow, they are an important part of ours development. Life has a way of sending us our lessons at the most inconvenient times.
In case you're in a period of refining, lean into it, don’t run from it. There comes a time that we must surrender to the will of God, and begin to say, not my will, but your will be done. Storms will come, lions will roar, the opposition will challenge you and your fears will be more real than ever.
When was the last time you took the time to listen to yourself when you talk? Have you ever taken a moment to consider the influence of your words, in your life or the life of others? Your words have the power, to influence every aspect of your life.
When failures and disappointment come into our life, you must not throw in the towel; you must raise up and remember that you cannot know light, without knowing darkness, and you cannot know success, without first knowing failure. Look at failure this way; it is a critical part of growth and an awesome opportunity to learn from your past mistakes.
Every time it rains; it stops raining. Every time it snows; it stops snowing. Every time you get hurt, you get healed. Every time life tosses you a test, you win. After a dark day, there is always light. After a storm; there is always sunshine. You see, everything is temporary, no matter what you are going through, please understand, that the night will not last forever. Everything in life is temporary; nothing lasts forever.
There will always be some that will criticize your choices- your career, your spouse, your body, your personality, and on and on and on. Don’t let others still your dreams. You can accomplish anything you want to in life, but you must be driven by your passion, ambition, and perseverance. PROVE THEM WRONG.
When life tells you, that you can’t possibly do what needs to be done to be successful, don’t fret it. Failure is not the worst outcome, not trying, is far worse. You see, you have to push yourself. You have to inspire yourself. You must be willing to fail forward.