Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

After Change Comes Chaos…


Recently, my inner voice has been speaking these words to me. Things are about to change. The problem is, I don’t know what that change is and to be honest, I don’t like going not knowing. When you are going not knowing, you don’t know how to plan for that. So, that inner voice spoke to me the other day and said, after you have made changes in your life, chaos always follow. I was thinking about this for a few days, and now I have a new perspective on life.

You see, you can’t reach the next level in your life without chaos because chaos brings about change. I find myself most creative, right in the middle of or right after life’s chaos. To be honest, chaos sometimes feels a little, like a like a healing crisis. Sometimes things get worse before they get better, but somehow you know, it’s going to get better.

Chaos sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable, mainly because I don’t know what’s going on and when I don’t know what is coming around the corner, I don’t know how to prepare myself. It’s like driving down a road and not knowing where you are going. Just the other day, I made a decision, that whatever happens in my life, I will just let it flow. I will continue to focus on my goal; I will continue to seek my life’s purpose, I will continue to support, empower, and appreciate others. I made the decision to go with the flow and to work towards fully understanding, that life is not always about me being comfortable.

You see, I must seek opportunities that will stretch me and that will, challenge what I believe that I am capable of doing and achieving. So, when chaos comes, I am now getting excited, because I now know, that my life is about growing. I trust I believe, and I know that the Universe will guide me to my rightful place. Chaos is happening right now to challenging me and move me ahead. Remember this, first change and then chaos, and with chaos comes abundance, and with that abundance comes victory.

Chaos is within us all, and we all fear it, but we must move forward despite it. Once we learn that, things started to get better, and I know that we are all works in progress, and we still have a lot of work to put in. But, I now accept the messy and crazy is all a part of it. So, stop, take a deep breath and reassure yourself, that all is well. It’s Just A Thought. – Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)



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