Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Success Come With Pain...

We all strive for success, but what we need to understand is that success cannot and will not come upon us without challenges, heartaches, self-doubt, uncertainty and a whole lot of faith. We must also understand that success does not come cheap nor easy, there is a price that we all must pay. Over the years, I have come to understand that, without life’s battles, success would not nearly be as sweet.

You see, you can have every one of the fixings required to cook a meal, but without heat, all you have is a bunch of ingredients. You see, it is the slow simmering heat, combined with all the ingredients that bring out the best meal you ever had. In a likewise manner the same is true in life, it takes the heat, the disappointments, the trials and tribulations of life, to bring out our best.

Remember this, failure, remind us that it is okay to feel pain and discouragement, but it is not okay to quit. It is during this moment of weakness that we must not let life’s challenges to derail our dreams. Life throws us the good and the bad, and it is important in this life to learn how to cope with them both. After all, all things are working for our good. The good, the bad and everything in between. – It’s Just A Thought. – Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

On the Other Side of Fear Is Where You Want To Be…

After Change Comes Chaos…