All in Faith

You Can't Control It All

Uncle Paul’s Thought: Things are going to happen in our lives that we just, can’t control. We can't prevent a storm from coming, but we can prepare for it. We can't control how someone else behaves, but we can control how we react. Don't try to fix people who don't want to be fixed. Fix thou self, first. Focus on changing your behavior. And even if the storm hits us, usually, the worst-case scenario isn't as tragic as we might have envisioned. So, change the channel in your mind and focus on the thing you have control over and find a way to deal with the things you don’t. Just keep telling yourself, I can handle this; because I am stronger than I think.

Visualization Is Not Enough

Uncle Paul’s Thought: Visualization is just the starting point, you still have to put in the hard work. Yes, write down your goals, make your plans, create your vision board, visualize the scene, feel the excitement, feel the motivation, find your drive and then, get started. Visualization is not enough; you need to work like hell for your dreams, every day. If you see it and if you work hard, you can achieve it.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: You don’t have to continue to be a prisoner behind your self-made bar. Freedom is a state of mind. Freedom is an inside job. It’s Just A Thought

"We all have a past. We all have things we wish we could change and things we wish, would have never happened at all. Every one of us, have done stuff that we would rather not recall."

Life is an ever-evolving story

"What life has taught me is that it is a journey, full of ups and downs and everything in between.  I often ask myself, what’s next and I always get the same answer, just walk around the corner, and you will find out. You see, if I knew ahead of time, I probably would not turn the corner. Remember this; this is your life, this is your story, and it must be written, so, just keep on writing."

Uncle Paul

Change Is A Process

"If you truly want the change that you speak about, you must be willing to go through an emotional and mental process, in order, to recognize who, you really are. You must also, let go of your own insecurities, fears, and throw caution to the wind. It is not enough for you to just begin the process of change. You have to stay with it long enough, to see the shift that is going to take place in your life." Uncle Paul

Who Am I?

Uncle Paul’s Thought: We are all in search of something. We all long to fill the void that we feel deep down inside. Sometimes we think we have found the answer, only to find out that we haven’t. In the end, we must ask ourselves two questions. Who am I and what is my purpose here on earth? If we dig deep enough, we will find the answer.

"We have all found ourselves, completely and utterly devastated, and yet, somewhere we found the strength to make it through it, and we came out stronger, better, wiser and happier than ever."

Be You - Be Yourself

"ver our lifespan, we have learned to hide our true identity, to blend in with the crowd. We have to cling to titles, to give us a sense of purpose, which make us feel superior or a part of the crowd. We fear to stand alone in a group because we so desperately want to fit in."

Take Action - Be Action

"Here is the hard truth. Nothing is going to come. Nobody is going to come and give you the motivation to get off your hinder part. Nobody is going to come and give your life purpose so that you can take your next step. Nobody is going to come and force you to do the things you know you need to do." Uncle Paul

Do Something

"If we are to live our dreams, our purpose, we have to stop talking about it, we have to stop reading about it, and we must take action. Truthfully, you already have the tools that you need, to move forward in life, all you have to do right now is to take action. You have to do something, for your next action or inaction will define your life forever. You see, you can overcome the things in life if you are willing to fight for the next move." Uncle Paul

I'm Grateful

"It is so easy to forget how blessed we are! We must learn to have an attitude of gratitude, in all of our life situations. Notice I did not say for everything but in everything. Each moment that we are given this precious gift of life we must choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of love and happiness."

"The only thing that is holding you back from doing something great is you. If you want to do something great, there comes a time that you must stop just talking about it and do it already."

Uncle Paul


Your life won’t change unless you create the change. Stop waiting for other’s approval and take charge of our life now. If you’re discontent with your present state, do something different, step outside of your safety zone. And, once you step out of your comfort zone; your life will radically change for the better.


Remember this, if you want to move forward in your life, you have to pick up your feet and get to moving.  Forward march!!!