Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Be You - Be Yourself

Be You - Be Yourself

There comes a time in life, when we all must take off our mask and let go of who we imagine ourselves be and just be who we are. We must look deep within ourselves and stop answering to the stories, labels, and judgments that we have placed on us and those that we have allowed other to impose on us. We must let those stories and labels fall to the floor never to be picked up again, at some point, we must say to ourselves, this is who I am and who you think I am is just a story. We must also, take off the stuff that we have taken on and rediscover our real nature.


Uncle Paul’s Thought: Over our lifespan, we have learned to hide our true identity, to blend in with the crowd. We have to cling to titles, to give us a sense of purpose, which make us feel superior or a part of the crowd. We fear to stand alone in a group because we so desperately want to fit in. Somehow, we have lost our true essence, we have lost our uniqueness, that thing that made you so special in the beginning. It is time to stand alone, stand proud, to stand fearless and reclaim your story. Good morning world, this is who I am, Paul Steven Smith, God’s designer original. I am me, and that is all I can be.


It’s just a thought.

Paul Steven Smith

(Uncle Paul)



Setbacks Don't Stop Us They Jusy Mearly denim co.1.png

Don’t let your setbacks, set you back too far.

Don’t let your setbacks, set you back too far.