Let me start by saying this; it’s kinda hard to admit when you’re not in the right place, and you need help. I believe we all have found ourselves there every now and then. I applaud those that dare to step up, and ask for help and share their stories.
You see, when we hear someone else’s story of how they have overcome their current situations and somehow have found the strength to move forward again. It makes us think about our struggles and how we actually got through, some of our most significant setbacks, failures, and roadblocks in our lives.
We have all found ourselves, completely and utterly devastated, and yet, somewhere we found the strength to make it through it, and we came out stronger, better, wiser and happier than ever.
UNCLE PAUL’S THOUGHT: When life hit’s us hard, we must not cower, we must not crumble. We must remember that setbacks are merely hiccups. They don’t actually stop us, they just merely slow us down.
It’s just a thought
Paul Steven Smith
(Uncle Paul)