Life is always speaking.
The question is, are you listening?
All in Faith
Know this, every day is a day of new opportunities. Allow these opportunities to help you grow, to help you improve, to help you overcome and to help you become greater. Each step that you take on this road of opportunities will take your life into a new direction. Look, you have come a long way, but there is always more around the bend, and in order for you to experience that possibility, you have to stay on the road. Walk in this moment and stay on the road, no matter what obstacles you face. For, your happiness is in your hands.
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
You already have the gifts, that you need within you. You just have to recognize those gifts and develop those gifts so that you can use them. Gifts are just like muscles, if you don’t use them, you lose them.
Life keeps moving forward. It never asks us how we feel. It doesn’t ask us what we think. It never asks us what do we think it should do. It just keeps moving forward. So, why waste your tears on things that you cannot control. Make the best of it; there is a lesson someplace in there. Find it and keep moving forward.
No matter where you are in life, you are there for a reason and a season. The question is, what are you going to do with this season? You can complain, you can cry, you can whimper or you can soar. Life is expecting something from you, show up or shut up. It is all up to you. You have choices, now choose one.
Don’t be afraid to go into uncharted territory. Don’t be scared to go places where people have never been before. People may not understand where you are trying to go, but don’t let that distract you. Just keep walking. Just keep creating. Just keep being you. A designer original.
Uncle Paul
Life often gives you whatever you expect from it. How can you speak to your mountains and say, mountain be thou removed when you don’t believe it will move? You must take action based on what you expect. Your expectation is a belief about whether or not you are going to get what you want. If you want to change your life, you must change your expectations.
It’s Just A Thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
If you want a fresh start in life, if you want to have a new beginning, if you want something new in your life, you must forget about what has happened in the past, and you must close the book on that chapter and declare it is over. After all, you have the power to start over; it’s your choice. It’s a new day; it’s a new hour, so let’s focus on today. So, what are you going to do?
Uncle Paul
The best thing that you can do in life is to live your life to the greatest extent. You must also live your life as an example to let others know, that they too, can live a limitless life. Life is waiting for you to claim it. Trust Yourself, Be Yourself and Love Yourself.
Uncle Paul
Uncle Paul’s Thought: When you fully embrace the life that has been chosen for you, you will realize the power your words have and how everything that you speak, or think, changes the direction of your future. Change your words and your thoughts, and you can change the trajectory of your life.
Uncle Paul’s Thought: Stop worrying, about your problems and focus on your purpose. After all, what can you do about it anyways? It is what it is.
Uncle Paul
Uncle Paul’s Thought: Appreciate what stands before you in this present moment. For in another moment, this moment will be just a memory. Live in the present, live in this moment, live in the NOW.
It’s Just A Thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
Uncle Paul’s Thought: Whatever you do, don’t let you past, block your future. Swallow your pride and accept that you have to do something that you that you said that you would never do. Look past the past and embrace the NOW.
It's Just A Thought,
Uncle Paul
If you want real change in your life, you must do more than move your lips, you must put in the work. You must be serious about the changes you want to make in your life, then you must understand that willpower is not enough. If you want to make any permanent change in your life, it takes hard work, patience’s, being diligent and time to change. Once you commit to those things, things can and will get better.
"Go on and dream about the future, but work hard today. " Uncle Paul
Life comes in three seasons, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Yesterday is gone and the only thing we have left from yesterday is memories. Tomorrow is the place for dreams, but we must remember that dreams may never come true. Today is, what is and what is, is where we should be focused. We must live in the NOW, not on what was and what will be, but the NOW.
We are not our past, life created our experiences, but we cannot let our experiences create us. We must break the cycles of the past and let go of the bitterness, anger, and burdens that we are carrying or should I say that have been carrying us.
You are a manager of the gifts that have been given to you. You have been given a gift, not to make a lot of money, but to serve others. With each gift, an investment has been made in you; it is your job to make sure that there is a return on your investment. You must ask yourself, are you using the gifts that have been given to you?
You have choices in how you want to live your life. Live your life for you; you deserve to be happy. Sacrifices must be made, but no one should sacrifice their happiness. You deserve to be happy. This is your life, so you believe in yourself, and hold fast to your convictions, tackle your fears and live the life of your dreams.
It’s just a thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
the world told you who you should be; now it is your turn to show the world who you are.
It’s just a thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)