Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

It’s Your Life Claim It

It’s Your Life Claim It

One of the biggest problem we as humans have is that we don’t love ourselves. We don't feel that we deserve to have a fantastic life.  You see, we often settle for less than what we want. We hand over our most precious dreams and desires by letting others impact our choices. We go around thinking about what others want us to be, and we feel guilty when we do what we really want to do. So, be you, be happy, love deeply, and share what you learn with others so that they can do the same.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: The best thing that you can do in life is to live your life to the greatest extent. You must also live your life as an example to let others know, that they too, can live a limitless life. Life is waiting for you to claim it. Trust Yourself, Be Yourself and Love Yourself.

It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

Your Past Is Over

Your Past Is Over

Your Life Awaits You…

Your Life Awaits You…