Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.



We are all the manager of the gifts that we have been given. We have been given a unique abilities, talents, or gift, which helps makes us who we are and that sets us apart from other people. We must be faith to those gifts that we have been assigned, no matter how great, or small. There are no insignificant people in the world, we have all been given unique gifts, and we are being tested daily, to see how we are going to use the talents we have been given. 

You are a manager of the gifts that have been given to you. You have been given a gift, not to make a lot of money, but to serve others. With each gift, an investment has been made in you; it is your job to make sure that there is a return on your investment. You must ask yourself, are you using the gifts that have been given to you? 

Remember this; a gift unopened is a gift unused. When one is given a gift, it is expected of them, to open it and use it. It’s like a muscle, the more you use it, the more it will grow. If you don’t, use it, you will lose it. So, use your gifts wisely.

It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

You Got To Move Beyond Your Past

You Got To Move Beyond Your Past

It’s Your Life So Live It Your Way

It’s Your Life So Live It Your Way