Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Day Ten: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Ten: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Today I am thankful for each and every one of my failures because they helped define my successes. I now understand that there's no shame in failing. The only shame will be if we choose not to move on. If we choose to learn or take something away from each of these life experiences, then our failures served a purpose.


One of the hardest things in life is to find the strength to shine again, in the face of our public failures.  We are all a work in progress, and maybe we should change the way we look at our failures. Just maybe we should see them as a life turning point because each of our failures has helped us evolve into the people we are today. So, today I am truly thankful for every one of my failures, and you should be too.


Uncle Paul's Thought: We all make mistakes in life, and at some point, we have to move past our mess ups. Yes, we are all tarnished, but when we mess up, we must find the strength to get up and polish ourselves off, so that we can shine again. Remember this, there is no shame in failing, make the most out of what life presents you, and if you do mess up, that's what redo's are for.


It's Just A Thought


Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

Day Thirteen: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Thirteen: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Nine: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Nine: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude