Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Day Nine: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Nine: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Today I am thankful for life's trials, difficulties, and challenges. Without challenges in life, I wouldn't be who I am today. I can honestly say today, that I am grateful for having gone through the trial I went through. This may sound strange, funny or stupid, but if I could change anything about the past, I would change nothing, for it all served a purpose.


The blessing that came out of my pain will always, out way the pain and hurt that has passed through my life. Every trial, every difficulty, and every challenge gave me a more profound faith and more respect and compassion for my family, friends, and strangers.


Every challenge that I have been through left me with a gift. Those challenges, help to build charter, patience, compassion, and humility. Those challenges help to smooth my rougher edges, helped fine-tune my perspective, help lead me to greater confidence, helped push me to my knees, and most of all helped my relationship with God. And for that I am grateful.


Uncle Paul's Thought: Every challenge in my life, has become a classroom, that has taught me some of life's most profound lessons. My life's challenges have taught me, that I can endure very difficult challenges with a certain degree of confidence, knowing that I've been tested before, and I passed my test with flying colors. You see, before life's trials, I didn't know my own strength. I now know the I can and will overcome my next life challenge. So, I drop to my knees and thank God for the opportunities that I have been afforded to learn at the feet of life's challenges.


It's Just A Thought


Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

Day Ten: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Ten: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Eight: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Eight: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude