Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Day Eight: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Eight: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Today I am thankful for each and every person that has touched my life. The teachers, the preachers, the friends, the enemies, the lovers, the people who taught me not to trust, the people that thought me how to love, the pastors, the grocery checkout persons, the pizza delivery person, the people that hurt me, the people that told me I would never amount to anything.  The doctors, the nurses, the delivery people, the person that stole from me, the mail person, the people that lied on and to me, the janitor that sweep the office floor, to the cashier that was obviously having a bad day (I am sorry I thought it was my job, to point, that out). I am thankful for the good relationships and the wrong relationships because everyone one of them served a purpose in my life.

What I have come to learn in life, is that everyone has something to teach you. Some people will put you to the test, some people will try to use you, others will bring out the best in you, some will teach you who you do want to be, and others will teach you who you don't want to be. But in the end, everyone that touches your life will teach you something about yourself. Regardless of how anyone treats you, you stand to benefit. For there is a lesson somewhere in it. So, I say thank you.

Uncle Paul's Thought: Remember this, there is a purpose for everyone you meet in life, both positive and negative. No relationship is a waste of time. Even the wrong ones have a purpose, for they prepare us for the right ones. Appreciate everyone that enters your life, because they are all contributing to your growth and helping you become better as an individual.

It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

Day Nine: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Nine: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Seven: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Day Seven: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude