Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Six: We Must Focus On What We Can Control   

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Six: We Must Focus On What We Can Control  

If we are to overcome the roadblock of life, we must focus on what we can control. Some people refuse to accept that we have no control over many of the things that happen in our lives. Things happen in life that we can’t control, so don’t worry about what we can’t control. Instead, focus on the things that we can control.

The hard truth is that the complaining and fixating is a waste of time, it just takes our focus off the important things. So instead of complaining about what you can’t control, focus on what we can control. We can’t control other’s attitudes, but we can control our attitude, we have a choice to stay positive even in a negative situation. We can’t control what happens in life, but we can control how we react and how we let it affect us. We can’t control life’s journey, but we can at any given moment, choose to stay on our path or change courses. We must accept that we can’t control everything going wrong in life. But we must take the time to focus on the things we can change and leave what we can’t.

Life is full of so many unexpected events, so when an unforeseen situation arises, rather than struggle and fight, take the time to think about what you can control. You can't prevent a storm from coming, but you can control how you respond to the storm. Focus on what we can control and let go of the rest. When you stay focused on what you can change, you will be able to conquer any roadblock in your path.

It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)



Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Five: We Must Believe In Ourselves.  

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Five: We Must Believe In Ourselves.