Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.



Two thousand eighteen has been a year of growth and radical change. I spent time searching for greater meaning and a greater understanding of life. I had to let go of old ways of being and say hello to what was possible on the other side. I had to release myself from the old ways of thinking and embrace a growth mindset. I learned to be comfortable outside of my comfort zone so that I can soar higher and reach even greater heights. I learned to move on from what wasn’t working and focus on what is. I’ve decided not to be submerged in the negativity of others.

I also had to learn to honor the hard lessons that life taught me. I had to courageously share my story and victory over colon cancer and prostate cancer. I had to learn how to respond to the little shockwaves that kept showing up in my life. I experienced the storms, fires, and hurricanes of life and through the conflicts of life, I was able to grow, and for that I am thankful. I had to learn to see my way through the smoke after the fires of life were extinguished. Yes, I had some storms on the sea of life, but each time a storm hit, I was able to adjust my sail and continue the journey.

 It's been a year of accepting the person that I am and the path that has been laid before me. I have found contentment in myself and no longer need to be validated by others. I am who I am, and that is all I am. I no longer live under the expectations of others. I've learned to dance unapologetically to the beat of my own drum.  I am now more in tune, with my feelings and I started the process of embracing my flaws and insecurities. I started loving my own life and cherishing all the blessing in my life. I am grateful to stand in the place that I am standing in today.

 You see, we all have seasons and cycles, in this thing called life, just as the earth does. Whatever 2018 was for you, take this moment to honor it. I honor 2018 for everything it was and everything it wasn’t. But, because of life’s challenges, I became more of who I was meant to become. Despite everything that I have been through, I can still say thanks.

 I 'm looking forward to 2019; it is a new chapter in my book of life that has yet to be written — a chapter with endless possibilities. A chapter full of new adventures and roads that have not been traveled. Whatever life brings me this year, one thing I do know is simply this; it will be working for my good. The end product will be better because of the steps I had to climb.

It’s Just A Thought
Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)




Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Six: We Must Focus On What We Can Control   

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Six: We Must Focus On What We Can Control