Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Five: We Must Believe In Ourselves.  

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Five: We Must Believe In Ourselves.  

If we are to overcome the roadblock of life, we must believe in ourselves. We all face roadblocks in our lives. Some of them are much bigger than others. But they are all roadblocks, and the truth is, that we can overcome any roadblock that comes our way. We just need to believe in ourselves.

We need to focus on your abilities instead of focusing on the roadblocks. We need to focus on our capabilities and not what is holding us back. Why? Because we are more capable than we think. We are braver than we think. We are more talented than we can imagine. We can and will overcome anything. We have to believe in ourselves. We have to love ourselves and we have to encourage ourselves. But most of all, we must never doubt who we are and what we can accomplish.

At some point, we must remind ourselves that no matter how significant the roadblocks are, there are ways a way to get around life’s challenges. Remember this, roadblocks don’t move, they have to be moved, or we must find a way to climb them, to go through them, or work around them. Whatever we do, we must believe in ourselves and never give up.


It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)


Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Six: We Must Focus On What We Can Control   

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Six: We Must Focus On What We Can Control  

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Four: We Must Stop Believing Our Excuses. 

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Four: We Must Stop Believing Our Excuses.