“Today, I will own my mistakes, let go of all the junk that I have been toting along with me, and open myself to new possibilities." Uncle Paul
“Today, I will own my mistakes, let go of all the junk that I have been toting along with me, and open myself to new possibilities." Uncle Paul
“Pay attention to your thoughts, for your thoughts become words, and your words become actions and your thoughts, words, and actions become your reality.“ Uncle Paul
“Life may have knocked me flat on my back, but instead of complaining about the night, I choose to appreciate the stars.” Uncle Paul
“It is better to be exhausted from putting in a lot of effort than to be tired from doing nothing. So, don’t take the easy way out, keep struggling forward.”
Uncle Paul
When we thank God for the gift of growth, we are also thanking God for the pain that helped us grow. When pain comes your way, don’t avoid it, let it grow you.
“Never let others define you, define yourself, and never apologize for other’s reactions to your choices.” Uncle Paul
"Stay in Your Own Business and the universe will be a better place to live in." Uncle Paul
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, for some people. For many people, this time of year isn’t so wonderful. The holidays can be a particularly emotional time. On top of feeling lonely, it can be a time when they are thinking of lost loved ones too. So, keep an eye out on your family and friends and help someone deal with the holiday season.
Uncle Paul
“One may never know how many lives you’ve touched, so just know it’s far more than you can or will ever think. Just know that each of your acts of kindness will one day have a ripple effect. Even if you can’t see it right now, you are making the world a better place for all of us to live. Just keep doing what you are doing; it all has a purpose.” Uncle Paul
“Don’t be afraid to share your gifts along the way. Some may laugh. Some may criticize. Some may not understand. But, share them early and share them often. The more you use your gifts, the more perfected, they will become. They may not be perfect now, but when you get there, people will be amazed at the transformation.” Uncle Paul
“Don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes or making the wrong choices. We will all screw up in the process, but it’s okay. Your screw-ups will not lead to your destruction. It will ultimately be your blessing.” Uncle Paul
“Nothing will kill your creativity faster than comparing your work to someone else's. Stop judging your work; just put it out there and let it be what it will be. It will be what it's supposed to be to the right people.” Uncle Paul
“You already have the strength and the courage to let go. So, just do it.” Uncle Paul
“Life will give you whatever experience is needed to help you evolve into what you are to be at that moment.” Uncle Paul
“Stop trying to define everything; some things are just meant to be what it is. It is what it is, and that is all it will ever be.” Uncle Paul