It’s How We Choose To Handle It

Uncle Paul’s Thought: Trails and tribulations are all a part of the processes of life. It is while we are sitting in our pain, we must ask ourselves, what is life trying to teach me at this moment? Once we can find an answer to that question, we can move on to our next challenge. There is a lesson somewhere in our pain. Uncle Paul


“: Sometimes you don’t know your own strength until you are in a storm, that looks like you won’t make it through. We often ask God for strength, but the truth be told, you already have the strength, you just need to use it. You already have everything you need, to overcome your next storm. God is asking you, what’s that in your hand? You have the strength to thrive no matter what life throws at you. Why, because you are UNSHAKABLE!” Uncle Paul

Don’t seek approval.

“The most feared person is a person that does not require validation from anyone. It is our responsibility to validate ourselves, and once we do, we will have what no one else can give us, pure happiness.” Uncle Paul

Victim No More

“Don’t allow the world to make you into a victim and definitely, don’t allow a label to define you as a victim. It’s up to you to change your life. When you feel like a victim, you have two choices. You can stay victimized and keep yourself on the same path that you have been following all of your life, or you can choose to start the healing process and do your best to move onward. If you can change the way you think, you can change your life.” Uncle Paul


“Fools have no interest in understanding the truth, they just want to spew their own opinions as truth. Don’t follow the path of a fool, because it will always lead you down a road that ends. So, don’t let yourself be exposed to other peoples negativity. For where your attention is, matters. It’s best to avoid negativity, at all cost.” Uncle Paul

So, What Are YOU Going To Do About It?

“: If you want to move forward in your life, it’s time to take to put in the work. You must be willing to take action, even if you’re not exactly sure how it’s going to play out. You’ve got this. It’s your life, and, yes, it can be everything you want it to be. Be brave and go for it. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live your dreams. So, do something about it.” Uncle Paul

It’s Time To Unplug

I”t’s time to unplug from everyone else’s lives and focus your energy on what matters the most. You!!! It’s hard to know what to focus on if you’re constantly in motion, running from one thing to another. Try unplugging, take some downtime just for yourself. You are what matters, and it is okay, to make today about you.” Uncle Paul

Look for the lessons.

“Life is not meant to be easy, but if you can try to find the lessons in it and allow life’s challenges to help you develop and grow, then maybe it will all be worth it when you come out of the other side of through. Remember this, facing life’s difficulties is inescapable, but learning from them is voluntary.” Uncle Paul

Sometimes There's No Next Time

“Life does not always give us a second chance or a next time, to tell someone you love them or to tell them how you appreciate them. Life is short; tomorrow is not promised, so, don’t play the ‘next time’ card, for the odds are against you. Life doesn’t walk up to us and say, you better tell them how you feel right now, for this is one of those no next time moments. No, we must treat each moment in life, as if it is our last moment in life. Remember this; sometimes there is no next time, so, seize the moment.” Uncle Paul

Life Really Hasn’t Been That Bad

“Don’t let your bad days define you. Take a few deep breaths, exhale and let go of today and focus your energy on your tomorrows. For your tomorrows are in your hands, and you get to choose what kind of day you are going to make it. Life has its ups and downs, and I thank God I have had more ups, then I have had downs. In the end, I can say, I have had some good days, and I have had some bad days, but life really hasn’t been that bad, because I have survived them all.” Uncle Paul

Cut The Energy Vampires Lose

“I would rather travel alone than to surround myself with toxic people. Sometimes, it is best for us to keep a few encouraging, uplifting and positive people around, who have our best interest at heart, then to have a room, crowed with empty, lifeless souls. Life is about lifting people up and not tearing people down, and I would rather be a lifter. It is up to you to decide what energy you are going to allow in your space.” Uncle Paul

We Must Remain Positive

“Sometimes, tough times last longer than we expect them to. But if we look deep within we might find that there are blessings and lessons in each of our trails. We are definitely stronger now than we were before, but some days still may seem harder than others. But if we must keep the faith no matter what and remember the strength that’s deep within.” Uncle Paul

Sow what you want to reap. 

"When a farmer plants his seed, he expects to harvest a great deal more than he sows. He understands that if he sows a single apple seed, that he will yield hundreds of apples in return. So, let us not deceive ourselves, when a man plants a seed, he should expect that seed to multiply and give a much bigger crop, than what he has planted. So, what we sow is what we reap, is not necessarily so. What we sow will bring us, more than what we have sown. So make sure, what you have sown, is what you want to reap." Uncle Paul