Bad stuff happens to everybody; you are not the only one. There comes a time that you must stop being the victim and start being a victor. Yes, I get it, we have all been hurt. But, we cannot continue to play a victim. We have to learn from those experiences, forgive and move on. But when we still label ourselves as a victim, we will remain stuck, reliving the victim in ourselves over and over again.
Yes, you were hurt. Yes, someone took advantage of you. Yes, yes, and yes. I am not excusing any one’s behavior. I am not trying to be insensitive, but at some point, you must start to live again. If you don’t want to be stuck in the experiences of the past, for the rest of your life, you must let go and come alive again and make up your mind that you will no longer echo the words victim anymore.
Uncle Paul’s Thought: Don’t allow the world to make you into a victim and definitely, don’t allow a label to define you as a victim. It’s up to you to change your life. When you feel like a victim, you have two choices. You can stay victimized and keep yourself on the same path that you have been following all of your life, or you can choose to start the healing process and do your best to move onward. If you can change the way you think, you can change your life.
It’s Just A Thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)