All in UP Rants

"The only thing that is holding you back from doing something great is you. If you want to do something great, there comes a time that you must stop just talking about it and do it already."

Uncle Paul


Your life won’t change unless you create the change. Stop waiting for other’s approval and take charge of our life now. If you’re discontent with your present state, do something different, step outside of your safety zone. And, once you step out of your comfort zone; your life will radically change for the better.


Remember this, if you want to move forward in your life, you have to pick up your feet and get to moving.  Forward march!!!

You Are Going To Finish What You Started…

"You have choices, you don’t have to accept, those thoughts, you can fight through them. Just because someone told you that it’s not gone to work, means absolutely nothing. You have not come this far by accident; you were born with a purpose. It may look like your dreams are DOA (dead on arrival), but the most powerful force in the universe is at work in your life. Your dreams are about to be resurrected from the dead. You must keep believing, and never give up." – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)