“Never minimize your contribution because it does not come with lights and glitter. What you are doing may not be as exciting as someone else, but you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.”
All in Faith
“Never minimize your contribution because it does not come with lights and glitter. What you are doing may not be as exciting as someone else, but you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.”
“Nothing in life is free. Every gift ever given comes with a price that someone has to pay.” Uncle Paul
“My greatest life lessons came from the most challenges experiences in my life. Not one of us can expect to live a life unscathed; all we can do is keep trying and not to lose sight of the essence of ourselves.” Uncle Paul
“We must never quit when the roads become challenging. You see, that difficult road that you are traveling may just be the road that will lead you to your success. The way may come with roadblocks, bumps, and detours, but you will never reach your destination if you turn around. Just keep driving.” Uncle Paul
“This journey of life has come with some hurt, pain, and scars. Each of my scars reveal where I’ve been and what I’ve been through. Each one of my scars has its own story, that must be told.” Uncle Paul
“No experience is a wasted experience; they all have a purpose. Life is about learning from each of our experiences.”
“ I’ve been through a lot of pain in my life, but the truth is, my pain grew me. If it were not for my pain, I would not be who I am today. I could not see it at the time, but, in the end, even my pain had a purpose.” Uncle Paul
“The right things will enter our lives at the right time. That’s the divine magic of life. Let go and let things be what they are supposed to be.” Uncle Paul
“Sometimes what seems complicated is really simple. Just do it and stop overthinking it.” Uncle Paul
“One must take responsibility for your own thoughts, your own feelings, and your own actions. When you do so, you no longer give your power away to forces outside yourself to control. You must get rid of the victim mentality and become aware of the person you really are, and embrace your inner strength, power, and beauty. The one thing in life that you can control is you. Master your life before you try to master someone else's.” Uncle Paul
“I have choices. With everything that has happened to me on this journey called life, I can either feel sorry for myself or accept life challenges as a gift. Because with each challenge there came an opportunity for growth. I had the power to choose the outcome, and I always prefer the gift.’ UNCLE PAUL
“When we compete with others, we get distracted and begin to play their game. Don’t let others throw you off your game plan, continue to play your game. After all, that is the only game that matters.” Uncle Paul
“Maybe God has allowed some pain and suffering in your life so that it would open the doors of opportunity for us to help those that only we can help. Why? Because we have walked in their shoes and can understand their pain in a way that no one else can. Our journey came with some pain and suffering, and maybe, because of what we experience, we can use our pain to lighten the burdens of for someone else. What the devil meant for evil, turned out to be a blessing for others.” Uncle Paul
“The masquerade is over, take off the mask and never be ashamed to share your story.”
“Don’t waste your pain, use your pain for someone else’s gain. After all, your pain has a purpose our mission is to find it.” Uncle Paul