Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Why You Have Cheer On Even Those Who Did You Wrong!

Why You Have Cheer On Even Those Who Did You Wrong!

Why You Gotta Cheer On Even Those Who Did You Wrong!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Someone did you dirty, and you want to wish them a one-way ticket to Struggleville. But hold up! I’ve got five reasons why you should be rooting for those folks. Yes, I said it. Cheer them on like you would your favorite football team because let me break it down for you:

1. Say Goodbye to Baggage, Hello to You 2.0!

Look, you walk around holding onto grudges like they’re luggage. You’re going to get tired, and nobody will tip you! Let go of that emotional baggage. Start wishing well for others, even the ones who didn’t treat you right. It frees up your spirit, man! This is an opportunity to grow and be the best version of yourself. You don’t want to be a Grudge Gretchen, do you?

2. Get That Karma Boomerang!

Have you ever thrown a boomerang? You’ve got to give it the right flick, which comes right back to you. Same with karma! If you’re out there spewing hate and negativity, don’t be surprised when that comes back your way. But if you’re spreading love—even to those who wronged you—you better prepare to catch some blessings!

3. Feel Good, Look Good!

I’ve said it before, folks: If you’re good on the inside, it shows on the outside. You walk around angry and resentful, and before you know it, you will start looking like a wrinkled-up, old raisin! But let go of that negativity and wish others well. Your heart gets lighter, and you might add a few years to your life. You don’t want to be a prune when you could be a fine wine!

4. Become the MVP of Your Own Life!

Listen, it’s easy to play the blame game. But winners take responsibility and move forward. Maybe the relationship’s wrecked, but your spirit doesn’t have to be. Wishing them well teaches you what you can tolerate, value, and need. You become the Most Valuable Player in your own story. And who doesn’t want to be the MVP?

5. Be the Role Model You Were Born to Be!

People are watching you all, whether you like it or not. Everybody’s watching is your kids, friends, and Auntie Sheila, who always has something to say. When you wish well for even those who hurt you, you’re setting an example. You’re telling the world, “Look, we can rise above pettiness, be mature adults, and make this world a better place.” Now, who doesn’t want to leave a legacy like that?

I want you all to go out there and be better, do better, and wish better—even for those who’ve stepped on your toes. Trust me, your future self will thank you, and you never know; you might turn an enemy into a friend.

Don't Keep Looking Back: Move On

Don't Keep Looking Back: Move On

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Everything Happens the Way It's Supposed To