Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Everything Happens the Way It's Supposed To

Everything Happens the Way It's Supposed To

Everything Happens the Way It's Supposed To: The Unseen Plan of Life

You know, life has a way of throwing curveballs, and it's easy to feel lost, especially when things don't go as we planned. But let me tell you something that's helped me through the highs and lows: everything happens how it's supposed to happen. Before you roll your eyes, stick with me here because I've got five points to clarify this concept.

1. Setbacks Are Setups

First off, let me tell you about setbacks. You might think they're roadblocks, but they're setups for your future. Yeah, I've had my share of setbacks, whether struggling as a comedian or facing hardships in my personal life. But every setback sets me up for a comeback. It prepared me for the challenges and triumphs that came later.

2. The Value of Time

We often rush through life, chasing goals and deadlines, frustrated when things don't happen fast enough. But there's value in waiting. Sometimes things don't happen immediately because we aren't ready for them or because something even better is on the horizon. Time has a way of revealing what's really meant for us.

3. The Butterfly Effect

Don't underestimate the small things, the tiny decisions that seem insignificant. Like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a tornado miles away, our small choices often lead to big changes. Sometimes, things happen in a certain way to set off a chain of events you couldn't have planned better.

4. Lessons in Failure

If you're anything like me, you've faced failure. And man, does it sting. But here's the thing—failure is one of life's greatest teachers. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn, grow, and prepare for the next challenge. So, in a way, failure happens "as it should" to make you the person you're supposed to become.

5. Faith and Destiny

Last but certainly not least, let's touch on faith and destiny. Sometimes, you must have faith that things are unfolding according to a plan greater than yours. You may not see it now, but looking back, it often becomes clear that things happened the way they did for a reason. Trust that a higher power has your back.

Remember, life doesn't always give us what we want, but it does give us what we need. Everything in life, good or bad, happens how it should. It's all part of a larger plan, a greater tapestry, even when it doesn't feel like it. So, keep your head up, have faith, and know that the best is yet to come.

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Navigating Life's Current