Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Stop Making Excuses - Start Living Your Life

Stop Making Excuses - Start Living Your Life

Oops, there goes another excuse…


We all at some time or another find ourselves making excuses when things don’t go our way. We often refuse to take personal responsibility for the events and circumstances of our lives. We see ourselves trying to explain away why we didn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t or just wouldn’t do something. When we have a personal failure, we immediately look to point the finger at someone or something else to justify our failures. We place the blame of an internal problem on an external condition.


You see, excuses are that inner voice within that tells us we're not good enough, that we are not worthy enough, that we are not capable enough and the list of inadequacy goes on. All of this negative self-talk gets us nowhere, and it keeps us paralyzed in our fears. But in the end, fear is nothing more than, false evidence appearing real. 


To get the results we want, we have to ditch the excuses that are invalidating our calling and our purpose. We must stop excusing our failures and start taking the steps that are necessary to get what you want out of life. Look, new opportunities lie hidden around every corner. However, we will never find them if our minds are riddled with never-ending excuses. Without a doubt, we will all encounter many obstacles on our journey. That’s a given. We can overcome our obstacles or make excuses; it’s as simple as that.


It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

We Are Stronger Than Our Challenges

We Are Stronger Than Our Challenges

We Can’t Change People

We Can’t Change People