Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Uncle Paul’s Tips On Overcoming Roadblocks

Uncle Paul’s Tips On Overcoming Roadblocks

As we travel through the journey of life, there will be roadblocks that seem impossible to overcome. No matter how hard the journey becomes, we can’t give up. We have to stay on the road that has been assigned to us. Here is Uncle Paul’s advice on how to overcome the roadblocks of life and how to enjoy the ride. 

 Number one: Understand that there will be some bumps in the road of life.

Life has a lot of twists and turns, and we should not get upset when we hit a bump, or when we fall into the potholes of life, on our journey. We are going to experience ups and downs, twists and turns, detours and trials along the way; it is all a part of life. Things are going to happen in life, so don’t get caught up in wondering or worrying about when, how and where things are going to happen, just know that they will. 

 The road that you are traveling on will never be smooth. Life is what you make it, yes it comes bumps, cracks, and obstacle, but when you reach your destination, it will be worth the ride. Stop being a backseat driver, let life do the driving, and just sit back and enjoy the ride. Just remember this, if you bump another car along the way, please leave a note.

 It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Two: You Must Take Action On The Life You Want.

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Two: You Must Take Action On The Life You Want.

You Don't Know My Story 

You Don't Know My Story