Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

People Enter Our Lives For A Reason

People Enter Our Lives For A Reason

Life throws many obstacles at us, and it seems that the right people are always introduced to our lives, at the right time. It looks as though in our darkest hour, the right people enter our lives, and help us stand up to our struggles and not run away from them. People come into our lives for a reason, and they bring a lesson that we must learn. They come to help grow us if we let them. Some people only enter our lives for a short while, to serve some sort of purpose, to add value to your lives. Others enter our lives to simply help teach us a lesson, or they enter our lives to help us figure out who we are and who we are to become in life. Not everyone and not everything that enters our lives is meant to stay, people enter our lives for a season.

So, let me say this before we part. I have been changed for the good because I knew you. So much of me is made of what I learned from you. However, my story end, this one thing I know, because of you, a few chapters of my life have been rewritten. Thanks for being a friend. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for those who have taken an interest in my life and have crossed my path. Whether you have stayed or left, I have been impacted by those who have touched my heart. Your fingerprints will always be on my heart.

 It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith

Just Do Your Best With What You Have

Just Do Your Best With What You Have

Don’t Let Your Past Steal Your Future

Don’t Let Your Past Steal Your Future