Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

It All Has A Purpose

It All Has A Purpose

I’ve learned a lot in my short sprint of life, that my greatest lessons have come through my most painful life’s experiences. As I look back over my life, I am now grateful, for each of those experiences, because without them, I would not be who I am today. As painful as those lessons where, I am now thankful, for every one of those life’s challenges. Who would have ever thought, that I would one day be grateful for my pain? You see, it was through my pain, that I have learned to never take anything for granted. It was through my pain that I have learned that every challenge that I faced had a deeper meaning and purpose. And now, that I have figured out this thing called life, guess what, life just changed, life just shifted, and I now find myself trying to figure it out all over again.

Remember this; there is a purpose to your pain, nothing in life happens just to happen, it all has a purpose. It’s just a thought. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

The rain is necessary for growth.

The rain is necessary for growth.

Listen-Be Patient-Love

Listen-Be Patient-Love