Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Let Go Of Your Weights...

Let Go Of Your Weights...

One must stop holding on to things that have dried up in our lives and that are no longer serving them a purpose. We must let go of those things, that holding us back so that we can focus on the things that still have a life. When we continue to carry around the things that are dead, they will stop us from going after our dreams, goals, and passion. We will become slaves to our past and continue to hold on to the baggage of the past, that so often drains us of our energy and life. We will become so fixated on the past, and will not be able to move beyond it. We must let go of the past and focus on the things that bring new life. It is time, to accept the things that we cannot change and appreciative, all that life has to offer.


Uncle Paul’s Thought: Stop trying to resuscitate that which is dead. At some point, we must lay down our burdens, and that thing or people that have been weighing us down. We must call for the time of death, issue them a death certificate and bury them with no marker, never to be found again. Remember this; life is too short to waste on that which is already dead. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


It’s just a thought


Paul Steven Smith

Uncle Paul


liveyour tomorrowtoday-2.png

Let go and allow the flow. 

Let go and allow the flow.