Walk On...

Each of us has a path that has been laid out before us, that we must live. No one can walk that path, but us. You have to go with it. You have to follow your intuition, listen to your heart, and explore the path that has been assigned to you.

We All Have Choices

We must understand that we all have choices in life. If you choose to live a miserable life, so be it. But do understand, I tWe must understand that we all have choices in life. If you choose to live a miserable life, so be it. But do understand, I to have choices, I can choose to live a happy life, with or without you. It’s just a thought. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) www.unclepaulsthoughts.como have choices, I can choose to live a happy life, with or without you. It’s just a thought. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) www.unclepaulsthoughts.com