Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Don't Be Afraid To Move Forward...

Don't Be Afraid To Move Forward...

Sometimes life allows us to go through what appears to be seasons of loss in our lives to move us into a new space. Some of us would never move from our current space because we are comfortable there. So, life removes us from places, people, jobs because we are too attached to them. They are preventing us from moving forward to those greater things that are in store for us

Sometimes, we find ourselves fighting and desperately try to cling to those situations and things that we love. But we do not understand, what is happing in the background, the universe has a different plan for us, but we are constantly fighting it.  We are standing at point A, but the universe says we should be at point B, but we do not want to move, so we resist, fight and clinging harder to that which we love and have grown used to.

Understand this, SHIFT HAPPENS. The very thing we are fighting will ultimately move us into something bigger and better, and one day we will fully understand, why we had to be removed from those situations which we loved. Sometimes, unpleasantness things take place in our lives to help push us into something greater. You may not understand it right now, but something much bigger and better is in store for you, if you are willing to move with the flow.

Everything that you are going through right now is part of the preparation process to help move you to your next level. Change is always painful for a little while, but if we insist on clinging to our comfort zone, we may never discover what greater things lie in store for us. Something, bigger and better than anything we had hoped for, considered, or even dared to imagine is in store for us. Let go, and let the universe, have its way. Remember this; you are not being demoted, you are in the process of being promoted!

You’ve Got What It Takes…

You’ve Got What It Takes…

Your Fears Must Be Faced...