Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Walking in Faith: How to Shut Out the Noise When Trouble Comes Your Way

Walking in Faith: How to Shut Out the Noise When Trouble Comes Your Way

Life has a funny way of getting in the way, and sometimes other people can make things even worse. But staying focused on our goal and continuing forward is essential. 

Let's look at five things to help you overcome hard times, tune out the noise, and keep your faith.

1: Don't give up on your goal.

Clarify your purpose: Think about your true calling and what you're supposed to do.

Set definite goals: Break your goal down into goals and stages that you can reach to keep you on track.

Take on problems: Know that problems are a normal process. Take these things as chances to learn, grow, and get better.

2: Surround yourself with people who are good for you.

Choose your business well: Surround yourself with people who will help and share your ideals.

Look for ideas: Read books, listen to podcasts, or watch talks encouraging you to think positively.

Try to find some: Find people who have solved problems like yours and learn from their knowledge and experiences.

3: Develop faith that can't be shaken.

Develop a daily spiritual practice: Pray, meditate, or do other things that help you feel more connected to your faith.

Remember your past wins: Consider what you've done well and how your faith helped you through hard times.

Believe in God's timing: Believe that things happen for a reason, and your way will become clear.

4: Don't lose sight of your journey

Avoid distractions: Find and eliminate the things that keep you from focusing on your goals.

Take little steps every day: Break up your jobs into steps you can handle, and work toward them daily.

Check on the progress: Check your work often to make sure you're on the right track and make changes as needed.

5: Do things to get stronger

Take decisive action: Take steps toward your goals instead of dwelling on failures or bad things.

Embrace resilience: Know that setbacks are short-term and that how you deal with them counts.

Share your journey: Share your story and the lessons you've learned to give people hope. Your experiences can help other people get through their problems.

When life gives you trouble, and the people around you act up, holding on to your faith and staying focused on your mission is essential. Challenges can be chances to learn and grow if you stay positive, have faith, focus, and take action. If you do these things, you can ignore the noise and stay committed, which will help you live and thrive in hard times.

When Life Tells You No: It’s Not Always Permanent

When Life Tells You No: It’s Not Always Permanent

5 Steps to Changing Your Life at 60

5 Steps to Changing Your Life at 60