Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Sun Will Rise Again

The Sun Will Rise Again

The Sun Will Rise Again: Holding on to Hope When Life Kicks You in the Teeth

I'm sure you know what I mean when I say that life throws us curveballs, knocks us down, and shakes us up. We've had nights when the sun has forgotten us. I'm here to tell you not to forget that the sun will rise again.

1. Darkness Is Not Going To Last Forever

You must believe your pain won't last forever. I'm not trying to make it less critical, but you must believe this pain won't last forever. Things will get better for you, just like the clouds go away.

2. Get A Lot Of Hope

When we are positive, we tend to be healthier, happier, and better able to deal with life's problems. Being positive doesn't mean acting like everything is fine when it's not. It means facing problems and saying, "I've got this." It's about knowing you'll be better whatever happens, and the sun will shine again.

3. Live In The Now

Mindfulness is something you have to work on. It's all about living in the moment and being here and now. Refrain from letting your thoughts wander into the past or the future. It's about taking one breath at a time and living life. And know that even on the worst days, there is still a chance of happiness.

4. Rely On Your Friends

Don't be afraid to ask for help when life gets you down. There is power in numbers, so talk to your family, friends, or counselor about your problems. It's nice to know that someone has your back. And here's another wise thing to remember: Be kind. Even if your life is going wrong, putting a smile on someone else's face can make you feel better.

5. Be Resilient

Life will push and test you, but you have to push back harder. That's being strong. It's about facing your problems confidently and knowing you have what it takes to get through them. Keep your hope alive, take care of yourself, strengthen your relationships, and ask for help when needed.

So know that the sun will rise again, no matter how dark the night is. You will be stronger and wiser than before. So keep going, keep believing, and be ready for the sun to rise again. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come when the sun rises again.

Kick Out the Bad, Bring in the Good

Kick Out the Bad, Bring in the Good

When Life Tells You No: It’s Not Always Permanent

When Life Tells You No: It’s Not Always Permanent