Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Let's Talk Anointing and Sacrifice!

Let's Talk Anointing and Sacrifice!

I've been sitting here thinking (and you know how I get when I start thinking!) about something pretty profound: "Your anointing will cost you everything, and Lord, have I paid my dues?"

I'm talking about something other than the dues you pay to join a club. I'm talking about the spiritual rights that hit you deep in your soul. The journey to our purpose is something other than a stroll in the park. Nope, it's more like an uphill climb on a rocky path. That makes the view at the top so worth it.

I've learned, sometimes the hard way (because you know I've got to learn everything the hard way!), that every step of faith, every hurdle we leap over, and every moment we just let go and trust are all part of this incredible journey of getting closer to our true calling.

To all my brothers and sisters out there grinding and staying true to their faith, even when the going gets tough, I see you. We're all in this together. Let's keep lifting each other because that's what family does!

Remember, the road might be long and winding, but the rewards? Man, they're out of this world!

Stay blessed, and keep shining!

#FaithAndGrind #BlessedJourney

Transform Your Mindset, Transform Your Life!

Transform Your Mindset, Transform Your Life!

5 Things to Do in Your Meantime Season of Life

5 Things to Do in Your Meantime Season of Life