Don't Take It Personal
When we take things personally, we give away our power. We allow others to control how we feel about ourselves. We set ourselves up to be victims of their opinions and actions. When we take things personally, we give away our peace of mind. We allow others to control our emotions. We let them dictate how we feel about ourselves. When we take things personally, we allow others to control our self-worth. We let them determine whether or not we are worthy of love and respect. When we take things personally, we give away our power. But when we don't take things personally, we retain our power. No one can control how we feel about ourselves except for us. And that is an empowering feeling. When we don't take things personally, we are free to be our true selves. Free from the opinion of others. Free to be happy and peaceful, no matter what anyone else says or does. When we don't take things personally, we are in control of our own lives. And that is a very powerful place to be.
Pastor Paul