Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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You Can Still Handle It

We all at some time or another, find ourselves struggling with the burdens of life. Sometimes they seem to get the best of us. But what life has taught me is that we don't have to let the struggles get the best of us. At times, life will seem stressful, and we find ourselves in challenging situations, but we can’t run around having pity parties and losing our minds. 

Whenever life seems to be getting the best of you, remember this, your strength is made stronger in your weakness moment. Sometimes we ask that the storms that we are going through, be allowed to pass us by, but they remain with us. You see, there are some things in life that we are going to have to accept and deal with them. Yes, our burdens could be removed, but no matter what you are going through, you can handle it. I know you feel like giving up sometimes, but you have the strength to overcome your times of trouble and struggle. You are an overcomer, so act like it.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: No matter what you are going through, you have the strength that will uphold you under the weight of what you are going through. Hard times will come, but you can handle them.  

It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
