We Have To Deal With Unfinished Business
We all have unfinished business, but if we are to move forward in life, we have to pause and deal with the past, so that we can move on. Until we face the enemies of our past, there will always be a foot in the door, holding it open. We must also understand, that moving forward does not always mean confronting people, it just says we acknowledge the hurt and the pain of the past and close the door and move forward. If we want to move on from our past, we must stop allowing our thoughts to lure us backward. If we are to close the door on our past, we must deal with the past, change the way we are thinking, shake off the dust and move on.
Uncle Paul’s Thought: Change is possible, and our futures can be full of the life we always desired to have. But first, we need to learn how to move on. It’s time to move beyond our past trials and seasons of hardship and regain our focus and move on to the next chapter of our lives. Remember this, and while we can’t always get over things, we can get on with things.
It’s Just A Thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)