Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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It’s Time To Unplug

Sometimes when life seems to be too much, the best thing we can do is take a step back and unplug. Literally and figuratively. Shut out anything that doesn’t entirely need our attention and just focus on the one thing that is most important, and that would be you. You see, some people take a lot of energy, and if we can reserve that energy to hide away for a moment, we may find that we’re able to use that energy, to build ourselves back up. We must sort through our so-called, friends and plug into those that inspire and energizes us and let go of the energy thieves. They are on their own journey, and they will learn the lessons they were put on this earth to learn, and it is not our responsibility to make that happen. We must focus on our own journeys and let go of our need to save the world and save ourselves first. We are, what matters, and we cannot waste our energy focusing on people and things that we cannot control. It is time to unplug and recharge our lives.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: It’s time to unplug from everyone else’s lives and focus your energy on what matters the most. You!!! It’s hard to know what to focus on if you’re constantly in motion, running from one thing to another. Try unplugging, take some downtime just for yourself. You are what matters, and it is okay, to make today about you.

It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
