Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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You Are Stronger Than You Think

Life has not always been easy, but everything that life has hit you with, you have been able to survive the punches. Even when life knocked you down, you always got back up. There were nights that you cried yourself to sleep, but when you awaken out of your sleep, you found the strength to wipe your tears and to pick yourself up, out of that bed, and start all over again.

The truth be told, what was meant to break you, actually helped grow you . Yes, you had a moment, a temporary moment.  But after that moment, you picked up the broken pieces and rebuilt yourself again, and you came back stronger and wiser. Oh, my Brother! Oh, my Sister! You are stronger than you think.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: Life can sometimes throw us a curve ball and when it does catch it and scream next. Remember this, we sometimes bend, but we definitely don’t break. After all, we are stronger than we think .

It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
