Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Day Six: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Today, I am thankful for my true friends. We all make judgment errors from time to time when it comes to our friendships and relationships. Some people come into your lives for a season, but, your true friends will be there even when everyone else has walked away. You see, true friends, take time to listen and understand that it is not always about them. True friends are not afraid to call us out when we're in the wrong and support us when we are right. True friends, stick with us as we grow, and they help us become better versions of ourselves. True friends, understand us, and because they understand us, they are capable of forgiving us. True friends, support us through our peaks and valleys. True friends, allow you to share the truth of your heart without judgment. True friends, will help keep us in humble, for they know when to check us. True friends, make your friendship a priority. Ture friends, help us to explore forgiveness continually. Friends is an overused word, friends are a dime a dozen, but true friends are rare and special.


Uncle Paul's Thought: True friends are rare and special, when you find one, you better find a way to keep them. We should be thankful for our true friends. So, to my true friends, thank you for being my friend. Always and forever, true friends!


Uncle Paul's Thought:


It's Just A Thought


Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

