Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Day Three: 40-Day Journey of Gratitude

Today, I am thankful to be able to take a shower with hot water. I am thankful just to be able to have a bowel movement because I knew some people who struggle with this. I am thankful that I was able to tie my shoes and get dressed without assistance. I am thankful for every gray hair that is in my head. I am thankful for my wide nose and big lips because people are paying for these things. I am thankful for the clothes that I have in my closet. But most of all, I am thankful for all the commas, periods, question marks, red lights, yellow lights, green lights, yield signs, stop signs and detour signs, that I have experienced in life, for they all had a purpose.


Uncle Paul's Thought: You may not have the best of everything, but you are alive, and you probably have more than most people do.  There comes a time where you must count your many blessings, and once you do, you will realize what you have, so, appreciate it, and take care of it. Consider the simple thing in your life that you have and be grateful for each of them.


It's Just A Thought


Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

