Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Four: We Must Stop Believing Our Excuses. 

If we are to overcome the roadblock of life, we must stop believing our excuses. Some of us can be our own worst enemy when it comes to obtaining success. We make all kind of excuses as to why we can’t overcome the roadblocks that we run into, on this journey called life.

I don’t have time. I don’t make enough money.  I can’t because I have kids. I don’t have an education. I don’t know how. This is who I am, and I can’t change. I'm destined for failure.

When we make excuses, we limit ourselves, in every area of our life. When we make excuses, we aren't even giving ourselves a shot to succeed. When we make excuses, we may never know what we are capable. When we make excuses, they will limit us in every area of our lives, trapping us in a cage of our own making. When we make excuses, we will never move up in life. When we continue to make excuses, we will never challenge or change ourselves. 

If we are to overcome the roadblock of life, we must stop making excuses and start taking the steps that are necessary to get what we want out of life. It is time to drop the excuses and stop living with the failed expectations that we already had for ourselves and destroy the roadblock that stand before us. 

It's Just A Thought
Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)