Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Three: We must see our obstacles as challenges.

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Three: We must see our obstacles as challenges.

If we are to overcome the roadblock of life, we must see our obstacles as challenges. Where others see roadblocks as barriers, we must see them as life challenges, and if we are to overcome them, we must embrace them. 

Simply put, the struggles that we face offer us a path to growth and success. Obstacles are not to be dreaded, but they are to be embraced. We must see each obstacle as an opportunity. As difficult as they may seem, we always have the choice to recognize the obstacle for what it is or to work like hell to push through it. 

The challenges and problems we face in our lives are all part of our roadmap to greatness, and on that road, we will run into some roadblocks. At that point we have choices, we can give up, or we can confront our struggles and reach deep within and find the determination to keep moving forward no matter what.

Remember this, the thing that blocks our way, becomes the way.

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul's Thoughts

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Four: We Must Stop Believing Our Excuses. 

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Four: We Must Stop Believing Our Excuses. 

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Two: You Must Take Action On The Life You Want.

Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Two: You Must Take Action On The Life You Want.