Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Overcoming The Roadblocks of Life Number Two: You Must Take Action On The Life You Want.

If we are to overcome the roadblock of life, we must take action. We often find ourselves daydreaming or imagining what’s possible for our lives. But we must understand that ideas come, a dime a dozen. Dreaming about what is possible for ourselves means absolutely nothing if we don’t take action on it. Dreams are made by action, not by inaction. What good is a dream, a thought, an idea if we don’t do anything with it.

Roadblocks only block the road if we let them. If we are to overcome our roadblocks, we have to do something. Roadblocks are never overcome by just sitting there and watching them. Roadblocks are overcome by us going left, right, over or under them until we find a way around them. We just can’t sit in the car and think you are going somewhere. We need to start the car, put it in drive and then press the gas pedal and floor it. We have to get started today, with the smallest step we can imagine. On tomorrow we must make a slightly bigger step and keep on going and stay focused on our journey.

 Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul's Thoughts
